
Use our calculators to estimate your monthly payment, or see how much you can save!
It’s your Advantage

Ready to Crunch Some Numbers?

Select a calculator below to estimate your monthly payment, or see how much you can save.

Auto Loan Calculator

Estimate your monthly auto loan payment

Enter the amount you wish to borrow and preferred loan term to determine your estimated monthly payment and interest rate.

Calculated payments shown are for estimation purposes only. Actual loan payment amount will be disclosed at loan closing and may differ slightly.

Mortgage Calculators

Estimate your monthly mortgage payment

Enter a total loan amount and planned down payment into this calculator to estimate your monthly mortgage payment.

Calculated payments shown are for estimation purposes only. Actual loan payment amount will be disclosed at loan closing and may differ slightly.

Estimate Your Monthly Savings with a Fixed-Rate Mortgage

Enter a total loan amount into this refinance calculator to estimate your monthly savings from refinancing your home loan.

Calculated payments shown are for estimation purposes only. Actual loan payment amount will be disclosed at loan closing and may differ slightly.

HELOC Payment Calculator

1st Advantage offers a 10-year Draw Period to members repaying a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) during which the borrower will make interest-only payments. In the subsequent Repayment Period (which begins after the initial 10-year Draw Period), the borrower will begin to pay back the principal on their HELOC, plus interest.