Personal Checking & Savings

Exceptional banking starts here
It’s your Advantage

Find the perfect account or card to keep your finances on track.

Open an account with 1st Advantage to enjoy great rates, exciting rewards, and easy digital banking.

Checking Accounts

Manage your day-to-day spending with ease and confidence when you open a Checking Account at 1st Advantage. With four account options, you can select the checking account that supports what matters most to you.

Savings Accounts

Save for a brighter future, your next vacation, or help your child create good savings habits as they grow into adulthood. No matter what your goals are, you can grow your money steadily at incredible rates when you open a Savings Account.

Credit Cards

Maximize your reward potential when you use one of our credit cards for everyday spending. With three credit card options, you can select the card that aligns with your lifestyle and your goals.

Money Market Accounts

With our Money Market Account, the more you save, the more you earn! With rates as high as 3.00% APY, you can keep your savings growing while still having access to your funds.


Lock in a higher rate and watch your money grow with a Certificate. Whether you’re building savings for a special purchase or cash reserves, you can start earning dividends with as little as $500.

Youth Accounts

Introduce your teen to good spending habits and the proper way to manage money with a Youth Account. If your teen is between the ages of 14 to 17, they get access to a Debit Mastercard, Early Direct Deposit, and free Online & Mobile Banking.