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Am I able to skip a payment on my loan?

Yes! Our Skip A Payment* program makes it easy to find extra cash  for whatever you choose! With our convenient online form, you can request to defer one of your monthly loan payments when you need to, from wherever you are.


  • You must have made 11 consecutive months worth of payments on the loan for program eligibility.
  •  All credit union accounts must be in good standing.
  • A $30 fee will be deducted from your savings or checking account per loan, per occurrence. If the funds are unavailable, the request will be unable to process.

Click here for the Skip A Payment Application.

Click here for the Skip A Payment with Co-Borrower Application.

*Fixed term Signature, Secured, and Vehicle loans qualify for Skip A Payment program. Credit Card, Signature Lines of Credit, Mortgage, Business, Payday, and Freedom Loans are not eligible for program. Charges and other restrictions may apply. Loan must be open for at least 11 months and member must be current on loan and all credit union accounts to qualify. If you have skipped a payment on a loan in the last 9 months, that loan does not qualify for this promotion. There is a $30 application fee per loan, per occurrence. All requests to defer a payment must be approved. Interest will continue to accrue during the deferral period. This will extend the original term and increase the amount of finance charges. If there is a Co-Borrower/Guarantor on the loan, all parties must sign to be eligible for this program.